Content Marketing
Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.
Creating Content on Your Website...
Set a
Regular Update Schedule
Updating your website so that the content is current, accurate, and inviting is as essential as cleaning your physical store to welcome your visitors.
Your content includes all copy + audio/visual aids on your website (and other websites).
Examples of these digital assets include text, pictures, videos, podcasts, etc.
Staying current and providing new content to welcome new and repeat visitors will encourage them to return. More frequent website updates (of SEO pages) also help you get and keep higher page rankings.
Making your CONTENT relevant, relatable, and engaging to the point where the reader-viewer-user answers the specific call-to-action (CTA) IS the goal of content marketing.
Content Marketing ~ Digital Assets!
One of the beauties of content marketing (updating your website and letting people know about it!)
is that each page added and each post created can increase the value of your website, and the effects are long-term and cumulative.
Several web pages or portions of pages can be "repurposed"!
Look at your content and design as digital assets. Each piece can be fitted together in many ways to convey your message and image through content marketing. And each re-creation adds to your inventory of digital assets.
For example, a How-to Guide page on your website is a great service to your customers and visitors. Portions of it can also be repurposed as a post or an email. The content and design should be tailored to the platforms you choose and the specific audiences.
Did you know that email marketing typically provides the best ROI? (Industry average is $35-$44 return for every $1 spent!) So, one of the smartest things you can do is to send a "broadcast email" to everyone on your list when you add new content to your site.
Customer Testimonials is another great thing to add to your website. They may be quotes, reviews, videos, case studies - any or all of which may be included in a post for other websites or emails and texts.
FAQs ~ Content Marketing, Website Marketing, SEO Marketing,
Inbound Marketing